benalish emissary benaron bench --its the place bench comparator bench face bench microscope bench vice without an bench-mark bencher benching marking benchtrimmer benchvicewithoutanvil bencoolen bend someones ear bend stretch bending bend the wrist until bend-glide folding bendable bill bended glass...
slopebenching slopedbulkheadplating slopelandscape slopelike joint sloperamp sloping base sloping shoulders sloppy habits slos slot weld slot antenna slot club member slot discharge analyz slot for the fluoresc slot frequency slot group slot pro 2 advance go slot trough slot ts slot-and-wedgebolt slo...
Honestly, I am tired of both groups. If you want to spend your time worshiping a man just because he has lifted heavy weights and injected steroids, be my guest. I am no longer interested. But don’t think that you will become a man of that magnitude by eating steak and chaining you...
Well, sometimes... but don't count on it. Chances are your gym environment will have a single radio/CD player that is shared by all those in the gym. Whether they're benching 350lbs for 5 reps or sitting on that silly foot-pedal thing watching TV and reading a magazine, chances are...