Brian McNamara is an astrophysicist with the University of Waterloo in Canada. “And that gives usa very 24. ( ) of how much energy is being pumped into this gas by supermassive black holes, and so it allows us to form a more complete picture of how galaxies evolve, how the stars and...
During anannular solar eclipse, the moon doesn't fully obscure the face of the sun, as is the case in a total eclipse. Instead, it dramatically appears as a dark disk obscuring a larger bright disk, giving the appearance of a ring of light around the moon. These eclipses are aptly kn...
astrophysicist Ye Wenjie in the 60s and going all the way to the present day with nanomaterials engineer Wang Miao, the story takes a hyper-real, hard science approach to answer the question, "What would it look like for humans to make contact with an alien species," and "just how an ...
I don’t ever want to talk about being a woman scientist again. There was a time in my life when people asked constantly for stories about what it’s like to work in a field dominated by men. I was never very good at telling those stories because truthfully I never found them interest...
But he said that it was when doctors told him that he probably only had a few years to live at the age of 21 that he began to focus on his work, which resulted in some of hs early achievements. He said, “When you are faced with the possibility of an early death, it makes you...
Journeying south with Captain Kirk, the world’s leading astrophysicist and a moonwalker, I had just one goal: to play golf.
Sally Ride was an American Astrophysicist and an astronaut. In 1978, Sally Ride joined NASA. One of the most prestigious jobs you can acquire in this world. She was a very intelligent woman, who worked very hard for the life she earned. Ride had considered a career in professional tennis...
For decades, astronomers have watched a mysterious blob named X7 drift around the supermassiveblack holeat the heart of the Milky Way, wondering where it came from. By analyzing 20 years' worth of observations, a team of scientists led by University of California Los Angeles astroph...
A new study examines the naming of American public schools.The study is from the Manhattan Institute,an organization that does public policy research.The study shows that fewer and fewer schools are being named after people.Instead。more schools are being named after the local areas or natural fe...
when an Idaho businessman flying near Mount Rainer reported seeing bright saucer-like objects moving through the skies at tremendous speeds. It was hardly the first time humans spotted strange things in the sky — just a few years earlier, World War II pilots over Europe reported being chased ...