She was working like seven days a week from eleven at night to eight in the morning nursing and it just got to a point where she finally just snapped and she had a mental breakdown.” This undoubtedly was a defining moment for Vinny: a day that changed the trajectory of his life perman...
It serves me as I drive, adjusting my speed to gain a bit of calm and reach my destination only minutes behind the "record time" a faster lane might provide. It serves me at home where we maintain a tradition of gathering each night at the dinner table to eat and talk to each other...
a standing committee a state of becoming a step too far-elton a sterilization a stick is quickly fo a stick-in-the-mind a still tongue keeps a still tongue makes a still wine a stimulating teachin a stitch in time save a stock play a storm arose during a strange adventure a strategic ...
After a drawn-out duel, Kestis managed to gain the upper hand, pulling her lightsaber into his possession, thrusting him into a Force Echo showing Junda and Suduri tortured, Suduri becoming an Inquisitor and Junda giving in to to the dark side. When he returned, the Second Sister and ...
As my kids got older, occasionally they’d call me out on becoming “inappropriately angry.” Larger-scale crises (cancelled flights, surprise appendicitis) would find me calm and rational, but smaller things (delayed elevators, a remote control not working) would turn me into this guy: My ...
You would be so proud of the young man he is becoming! Your sister is doing a bang-up job! This is going to be probably one of the shortest letters I have written to you since you’ve been gone. Elections are coming up, so next year will be a doozie! Other than the chaos of ...
parenting,personal This Too Shall Pass criminal justice,politics Black Lives Matter book reviews,comics,faith,history,humor,literature,nature,poetry,politics,science Best Books I Read in 2016 book reviews,comics,faith,history,nature,parenting,politics,science ...
Yes, the Fourth Estate is becoming a very big tent in every respect imaginable...and in some not so imaginable. ___Read more at the Washington Examiner: April 24, 2011The Law of Gwen Stefani ...
A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux
Yeah, I voted. But in a solidly red state that’s not a vote; it’s just a dead rat flipping off the dark shadow of the hot rod.. Will America become the same hypocritical police state of the fifties yore …under a very likrly fascist dictator? Are we really going to have to end...