If you’re considering becoming a pharmacist and wondering if the debt is worth it, the good news is that the degree will open up many career paths. You’re also likely to be paid quite well, with the average pharmacist salary well over six figures. Here’s what you need to know about...
Cetaphilwas invented in 1947 by a pharmacist to treat a wide range of dermatology issues. These unique formulations can be found in many retail stores and drugstores across North America. Their products are known for their gentle cleansing power. What is Acne? Acne can be a skin condition that...
emails pharmacist Dr. Shireen Banerji, spokesperson for the American Association of Poison Control Centers and clinical manager of Rocky Mountain Poison & Drug Center (RMPDC). "If the powder is left unsupervised and accidentally swallowed, it could cause gastrointestinal distress, or more (depending ...
Blood is the lifeline of our bodies, but it can also be a carrier of powerful pathogens. Some blood diseases pose significant risks to public health due to their contagious nature. Understanding these diseases is crucial for prevention and awareness. So, if you accidentally witness a suicide, ...
It took a few years for it to catch on, with browsers becoming available for the Commodore Amiga, Unix, Windows, and Mac OS in 1993. Does anyone remember Netscape? The birth of online advertising But it was in 1994 that much of the online activity that you might recognize today started ...
BHT or butyl hydroxytoluene is primarily used to prevent fats in foods from becoming rancid. It is also used in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, jet fuels, rubber, petroleum products, electrical transformer oil, and embalming fluid. Sure sounds strange that BHT is something that’s used to preserve fo...
I add a sock with porridge oats to my bath which helps the itch temporarily but I'm currently having atleast three baths a day which is becoming quite challenging with work and a 3 yr old! It doesn't appear to be PUPPS as I am not far enough in my pregnancy and it is not particu...
yours (20 years), I relate with your anger after your 20 year struggle. I am currently working my way up to 3 grains Armour, as I just started 2 grains Armour. I should be on 3 grains by end of Aug. 2023. Lastly, thank you for all you do and have done. You are an ...
Many patients are unaware that their home or workplace could be the breeding ground to their symptoms. In fact, it’s estimated that indoor pollutants, including toxic mold, are at a concentration of 2 to 5 times higher than that of the pollutants found outdoors and contribute to more than...
CRPS is becoming the great imitator in pain medicine. This article discusses the symptomatology of the disease, including atypical presentations. By Robert J. Schwartzman, MD http://www.practicalpainmanagement.com/pain/complex-regional-pain-syndrome-systemic-complications ...