With that in mind: pack some bear spray, attach that bear bell to your backpack, and read on for some of our favorite spots. Eat (Imageprovided by Adobe Stock) The ambiance in the dining room of the Old Faithful Inn simply can’t be beaten: the wooden beams, bustling crowds, and bea...
If you find yourself camping in Yellowstone National Park you may see one of their beautifully colored hot springs and want to jump right into it. But you’ll want to avoid doing that. If you go into the pool, it could be deadly since they are usually at boiling hot temperatures of 200...
The park advises that, if you see a bear, clap your hands and in a loud, firm voice yell: “Get out of here, bear!” You should report all bear sightings to a ranger. Leave the bear spray at home, though. Bear spray is illegal in national parks where only black bears are present...
Books, maps, loose change, shoes, shovels, rock picks, gad pry bars, tri-folding futon, blankets, gold sluices, bear spray, sunscreen, hydrochloric acid, tool kit, road kit… I finally find my eyeglasses under the passenger side floor mat. They are ok! I stuff everything I can into...
“I’ve never seen a bear there.” “Do you suppose I’ll be able to find somebody to hike with at the trailhead?” “Who knows? Take your bear spray, make lots of noise, sing. If you’re a bad singer, all the better.” That wasn’t very helpful. He’s never seen a bear ...
Why? Because nothing is worse than the guys trying to look cool in their Halloween costume. You know the type: the strong guys who were “300” warriors, or the guys who dress as characters from “Yellowstone”, or the dopes who buy scrubs and a stethoscope. If you’re a guy trying...