There are two main types of acronyms: initialism and acronym. An initialism is when each letter is pronounced individually, like BBC or ATM. An acronym, in a stricter sense, is when the letters create a new word, like NASA or SCUBA. How to Pronounce Acronym Easy peasy! Just break it up...
Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Sex The viral Rose sex toy has had an upgrade The expert fingering guide you need to read *now* My best sex ever was embracing my bisexuality The 8 types of booty calls you have in your phone ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook RT AcronymDefinition RTRight RTRoute RTRound Trip RTRetweet(also seen as R/T; Twitter) RTRate RTRetirement RTReal-Time RTRetreat RTRoom Temperature RTRingtone RTReverse Transcription RTRoad Trip(movie) RTRound Table ...
Ifthe shortened word is pronounced letter by letter, it is an initialism like BBC/bi:bi:si:/ (for BritishBroadcasting Corporation); if the shortened word is pronounced as word rather than as a sequenceof letters, it is an acronym like SAM/sAm/ (for surface-to-air missile)....
Russell, who had his own BBC show, Russell Howard's Good News, between 2009 and 2015, said: "It's weird to play huge gigs at arenas now, but it's so exciting to hear the roar of the audience as you wander on stage." Russell has an army of female fans - there's even a Face...
What is a BBCOR Bat? First, it’s pronunciation and spelling. It is pronounced with the first two letters (‘Bee Bee’) and then the word ‘Core.’ So, said, ‘Bee Bee Core.’ This throws many off as they write about it as ‘BBCORE.’ But, it’s an acronym of BBCOR (no ‘...
‘Spam’ is an acronym derived from the words ‘spiced’ and ‘ham’. In 1937, the Hormel Foods Corporation (USA) started selling minced sausage made from out-of-date meat. The Americans refused to buy this unappetizing product. To avoid financial losses the owner of the company, Mr. Horm...
AcronymDefinition MR Mister (title of address) MR Mentally Retarded MR Memory Recall (calculator button) MR Memorandum for Record MR Market Research MR Medical Records MR Maximum Ride (book series) MR Management Review MR Maintenance Repair MR Motivation(al) Research MR Mutual Recognition (drug appr...
AcronymDefinition ABCAustralian Broadcasting Corporation ABCAmerican Broadcasting Company(US radio and TV network) ABCAlphabet ABCAirways, Breathing, Circulation(CPR) ABCAssociated Builders and Contractors ABCAlcoholic Beverage Control ABCActivity-Based Costing ...
Tram Pararam is me writing out sex noises. Or maybe it’s a euphemism for sex. Or maybe it’s something akin to a pseudo-acronym, you know? Straight answers are boring anyway. If you look it up on Urban Dictionary, you will get a very vivid description of a very nasty sexual act....