Farooq A. Kperogi
bastardization degradation,debasement- changing to a lower state (a less respected state) Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webma...
“He bitterly rebuked them for having thetemerityto come crawling to him for a loan after publicly disdaining him.” Noun ▲ The characteristic or fact of being courageous or adventurous Noun ▲ Open resistance to authority or opposition
the company that’s been continuously making candy corn the longest is Jelly Belly, which was originally called the Goelitz Confectionery Company (and I have to say, I think the name change was an unfortunate decision; some poor bastard is now forced to introduce ...
) Begotten without the sanction of law; born out of wedlock; illegitimate; bastard; as, a natural child. Natural (a.) Of or pertaining to the lower or animal nature, as contrasted with the higher or moral powers, or that which is spiritual; being in a state of nature; unregenerate. ...
DOB Dirty Old Bastard DOB DiscoverOurBand.com DOB Deployable Optical Bench DOB Don't Obey Bullies DOB Delete-O-Bomb (forum moderator removes post) DOB Doctorate of Business DOB Department of Bustards (band) DOB Domestic-Owned Bank DOB Defensive Order of Battle DOB Démythifier l'Ordinateur en...
You see this all over the internet. Just because “alright” has been spread by the rest of society as a result of ignorance, does not mean the English language should adjust to that laziness. The bastardization of grammar and words is not evolution. ...
It also includes a quotation from Reuchlin's De arte cabalistica (1517). The wording of the Clavicula section often agrees with Ghent 1021B. Some of the words in the text are in cipher. 145 pages, parchment, in octavo. Copied by a single hand in loopless bastarda script of highest ...
“LEGO’s” is a slang term, bastardized from incorrect usage. Austin98021 Dec-27-2018 2 votes Permalink Report Abuse Sorry, but you are in fact wrong. LEGO is the brand and they produce building blocks or a building block, singular. The term LEGO’s is a slang bastardization that has...
It's unclear if he intends to challenge his disqualification all the way to the Supreme Court, whose decision in a particular case opened the floodgates to the bastardization of the party-list system. Even several former members of the constitutional commission that drafted the Charter ratified in...