For generations of cartoon lovers, the phrase "Pink Panther" instantly calls to mind the iconic Henry Mancini theme music. With its simple animation style and trippy stories, the series is a visual odyssey. One of the simpler cartoon characters on the list, Pink Panther (voiced by Rich Little...
inspired by family, including her aunt Nancy Cartwright, the actor who voiced Bart Simpson. Homeschooled alongside her three elder sisters, she discovered her passion for music at a young age. By 10, she was posting covers of Christina Aguilera and Adele songs on YouTube, ...
By the late 1960s, abstract painter Harold Cohen had represented Britain at important festivals with his oil paintings and was seeking a new challenge. “Maybe there are more interesting things going on outside my studio than inside it,” he...
If you're looking for a hidden-object adventure with gorgeous art, creepy intrigue, tons of fully animated and voiced characters and scenes, and the ability to rearrange a woman's shoe closet, do yourself a favour and check out the demo for Brink of Consciousness: The Lonely Hearts Murders...