Adjective Covered with brambles and ferns and other undergrowth Abounding with bracken 1 Anagram of Braky Anagrams are words that use the same letters as other words, but in a different order. barky Anagrams are sometimes called aWord Unscramble ...
national(ˈnӕʃənəl)adjective of or belonging to a particular nation.national government;national pride.nacional ˈnationallyadverb nacionalmente ˈnationalism(ˈnӕ-)noun 1.a sense of pride in the history, culture, achievementsetcof one's nation.nacionalismo ...
) An interval of a fifth; also, a part sung with such intervals. Quinic (a.) Pertaining to, derived from, or connected with, quinine and related compounds; specifically, designating a nonnitrogenous acid obtained from cinchona bark, coffee, beans, etc., as a white crystalline substance. ...
Find an Adjective plus Plant Word for Each LetterSee if you can think of and write down a phrase with an adjective and a plant word for each letter of the alphabet (for example, "average acorn"). Or go to a sample answer page. Write Plant Words by Category Write 5 plant words for ...
Dictionary definitions of the word breakable The meaning of breakable breakable 2 definitions of the word breakable. Adjective Capable of being broken or damaged Noun An article that is fragile and easily broken What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in breakable?
(In fact, “s” or no “s,”“toward(s)” is almost always a preposition, occasionally an adjective. But it's not an adverb, so adding the “s” doesn't suggest any extra meaning.) Toward or Towards? Consistency is Key American spelling, British spelling, or adverbs vs. adjectives?
As "free" is an adjective, it cannot be preceded by the preposition "for." (2) "For free" is logically unsound. Strict grammarians state that "for" is a shortened version of "in exchange for," and "free" is a shortened version of "free of charge." So, if both were expanded to...
Hark, Hark, The Dogs Do Bark! Hey, Diddle Diddle, The Cat and The Fiddle The House that Jack Built Knick, Knack, Paddy Whack Oh Where, Oh Where has My Little Dog Gone? Old MacDonald Old Mother Hubbard There was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly ...
What is an indefinite adjective? What is the simple past tense of spit? What is a homophone for break? What is a another word for fake? Is 'qib' a word? What is word stress in grammar? What is the denotation of the word hog?
InEnglish grammar, apredicate(PRED-i-kat) is one of the two main parts of asentenceorclause, modifying thesubjectand including theverb,objects, orphrasesgoverned by the verb. Adjective:predicative. In bothgrammarandlogic, the predicate serves to make an assertion or denial about the subject of...