Chase Manhattan Bank 36th Floor Sydney World Trade Centre Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxx Xxxxx Xxxxx 0000 XXXXXXXXX AUSTRIA Creditanstalt - Bankverein Credit Lyonnais Bank Xxxxxxxxxxxxx 0 Xxxxxx A - 1011, Vienna AUSTRIA BANGLADESH Standard Chartered Bank Standard Chartered Bank 18-20 Motijheel C.A. ...
Khatun Z, Bhuiyan P, Roney SI, Rahmatullah M: Traditional knowledge on zootherapeuticpractices among some folk medicinal practitioners of Bangladesh. Amer-Euras J Sust Agric. 2013, 7 (3): 155-161. Google Scholar Ramos-Elorduy J: La antropoentomofagia y las culturas. Manual de Etnozoolo...
This booklet, Facts & Figures, is issued annually to help promote a true understanding of Mitsubishi Motors Corporation (MMC) and its corporate activities among journalists, researchers and analysts involved in the auto industry. Mitsubishi Motors has eight manufacturing plants in six countries and ...
Financing the Microcredit Programs of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs): A Case Study. :Examines the function of Palli Karma Sahayak Foundation (PKSF), a non-governmental organization that provides loan to alleviate poverty in Bangladesh. Det... Alamgir,AH Dewan - 《Journal of Developmental En...
Rasu RS, Iqbal M, Hanifi SMA, Moula A, Hoque S, Rasheed S, et al. Level, pattern, and determinants of polypharmacy and inappropriate use of medications by village doctors in a rural area of Bangladesh. Clinicoecon Outcomes Res. 2014;6:515–21. ...
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384 239,432 205,521 Taiwan 77,500 70,500 91,454 China 37,600 42,400 70,461 Hong Kong * * 689 India * * 6,202 Sri Lanka * * 586 Bangladesh * * 316 Vietnam * * 2,369 Singapore * * 4,461 Brunei * * 1,113 Others 16,463 15,372 — Total 394,979 441,892 471,923 Notes...