A banana shrub is an evergreen plant with unique flowers that resemble small magnolias and smell like bananas. Also known as the Port Wine Magnolia, its scientific name is Michelia figo. It is native to areas of China and mainly used as an ornamental plant in gardens. It is a hardy ...
) a quince tree or shrub. Quincewort (n.) The squinancy. Called also quinsywort. Quinch (v. i.) To stir; to wince. Quincuncial () Having the form of a quincunx. Quincuncial () Having the leaves of a pentamerous calyx or corolla so imbricated that two are exterior, two are ...
Evergreen Tree: Fact or Opinion? Color the picture of the evergreen tree, then write 5 facts and 5 opinions about evergreen trees. A fact is supported by evidence and can be proven; an opinion is how you feel about something and is open to debate. Or go to a pdf of the worksheet ...
Meet Figaro, a Goffin’s cockatoo. He taught himself how to turn cardboard into a tool. Birds, it turns out, are actually brainiacs.
Alabama – Blackberry The official Alabama state fruit is blackberry. The southern charm of the state is beautifully captured by the sweet and juicy decadent
This shrub is actuallyrestrictedin the state of Michigan. Meaning, it is unlawful to "possess, introduce, import, sell or offer that species for sale as a live organism, except under certain circumstances." It's because it can affect the nitrogen levels in soil which can harm local plant ...
Vitis rupestris, native to Arkansas, southern Missouri, and Tennessee, is a small, multibranched shrub that climbs slightly under favorable conditions. Its roots tend to penetrate vertically instead of spreading laterally. The leaves are small, kidney-shaped, wider than long, and light silver-green...
The answer to the question -- "Is a banana a fruit or a vegetable?" -- definitely places this sweet treat in the fruit category, which is not surprising. But the answer to the specific question of -- "What type of fruit is a banana?" -- is what reveals the surprise. These...
I had a day like that. Just yesterday. I woke up really early before the cicadas started. I used to love their singing, their wild maddening flying in and out of every single tree and shrub, and even the tiniest flower. There are so many flying around my garden that when I just walk...
On my way to Hadassah Hospital, I mused on its name. Hadassah is the alternative name of the biblical Queen Esther. As a humble, common noun it means myrtle, a modest shrub with a pleasant scent. To the Persians, Arabs and Jews, myrtle was a symbol of paradise, of purification and ...