“This doesn’t explain why we have to bring back the Archangel Azazel. Besides the fact he has rescinded death and dying. Why would he do such a thing, anyway?” “Because he loved Lucifer and never forgave him for leaving. It was only a matter of time before he turned against Heav...
“This doesn’t explain why we have to bring back the Archangel Azazel. Besides the fact he has rescinded death and dying. Why would he do such a thing, anyway?” “Because he loved Lucifer and never forgave him for leaving. It was only a matter of time before he turned against Heav...
a midrashic text called Midrash Avkir (early 2nd millennium C.E.)[18] has another version of the story—with a different and more famous first angel—and here it is clear that Azazel is Azael. In