Is SaaS Frontend or Backend? Both. The front end of SaaS development involves HTML, Javascript and CSS, whereas the back end of SaaS application involves servers (Apache, Nginx, Amazon Web Services or Microsoft Azure) and databases (relational or non-relational). ...
The workflow of Amazon AWS Mobile Backend on the cloud. Source:Amazon AWS Docs Firebase Firebase is another trusted MBaaS solution that also comes with a free plan to try and test the features. A Google-approved solution, Firebase powers apps and platforms like Flutter or Shazam. ...
backend ci docs frontend templates tests .dockerignore .gitignore .pre-commit-config.yaml .pylintrc LICENSE Makefile NOTICE cfn-publish.config package-lock.json ...
Agent to answer AWS questionsprogrammingEmotional CompanionBy @SpeedupMaster on 2024-05-14Specializes in emotional support and companion conversationsCompanion Chat Emotional Support Understanding Care Romantic Interaction Emotional ExpressionLearning Plan Expert SilwolBy @SidneyLYZhang on 2024-05-13...
Amazon Cognito user pool SP & credentials brokerIssue temporary AWS credentials based on OIDC claims from an Amazon Cognito user pool✓ Custom SP & credentials brokerIssue temporary AWS credentials based on developer IAM authorization✓ Authentication frontend serviceSign up, manage, and authenticate ...
AWS Amplify is a set of tools and services that enables developers to build scalable and secure cloud-powered web and mobile applications with ease.
If you are curious about AWS then you can hop on to our blog on AWS Architecture. Let’s have a look at the various components that fall under the front end and the back end of Cloud Computing architecture. Frontend of Cloud Computing Architecture The front end of Cloud Computing ...
Amazon CloudWatch Real-User Monitoring (RUM) To capture application performance metrics from real user client-side and frontend sessions. AWS X-Ray To trace traffic through the application layers and identify latency between components and dependencies. Use X-Ray service maps to...
AWS CloudFormation supports YAML for defining cloud infrastructure. In CloudFormation templates written in YAML, developers specify AWS resources such as EC2 instances, S3 buckets, and networking configurations. These templates enable the automated provisioning of infrastructure in a consistent and repeatable...
Serverless service backend – Amazon API Gateway powers the interface layer between the frontend and backend, and invokes serverless compute with AWS Lambda. Web application blueprint – We include a React web application pre-integrated out-of-the-box with tools such as React Bootstrap, Redux, Re...