Any of various disorders, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or autism spectrum disorder, characterized by a distressing or disabling impairment of an individual's cognitive, emotional, or social functioning. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 20...
This article was published in the following Dove Press journal: Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment Paul Whiteley Kevin Carr Paul Shattock ESPA Research, Sunderland, UK Abstract: Autism or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is described as a lifelong condition with core behavioural symptoms appearing ...
Results showed that high-functioning autism was associated with lower cognitive and affective empathy irrespective of social distance as well as with decreased emotional reactivity compared to controls. Moreover, emotional reactivity mediated the impact of ASD on both empathic components. In summary, ...
Is selective mutism autism? Myth 5:Selective mutism is a form of autism. Some people confuse selective mutism with autism, but it is important to know that they are not the same disorder. Why do I go mute sometimes? Mutism can be a tricky diagnosis to make. Sometimes the culprit is pure...
We used GWAS acronyms for the figures (AD [62] = Alzheimer’s disease, ADHD [62] = attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ANX [63] = Anx disorders, ASD [64] = autism spectrum disorders, BMI [65] = body mass index, ED [66] = Anorexia nervosa, fEpilepsy...
a novel social partner did not result from general alteration of recognition abilities, as object recognition was preserved in mutant Neuropsychopharmacology 2052 Autistic-like syndrome and mGluR4 activity JAJ Becker et al Figure 2 Oprm1 À / À mice display multiple secondary symptoms of autism....
Association between SNAP-25 gene polymorphisms and cognition in autism: functional consequences and potential therapeutic strategies. Transl Psychiatry 2015;5:e500. Lu TX, Rothenberg ME. MicroRNA. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2018;141:1202–7. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Recabarren D, Alarcon M...
A response to the March 2019 Thinking Autism article: ‘What is wrong with The Labour Party’s “Autism Neurodiversity Manifesto” and autism identity politics?’ By Janine Booth on behalf of the Neurodivergent Lab...
people. In UNNC, we also have different groups of disability students and staff affected by autism, ADHD, mental health condition, and more. We join in this campaign this year and hope that, we accept different people on campus so...
Converging evidence implicates disrupted brain connectivity in autism spectrum disorder (ASD); however, the mechanisms linking altered connectivity early in development to the emergence of ASD symptomatology remain poorly understood. Here we examined whether atypicalities in the Salience Network – an early...