The ATP ...Demidchik V, Nichols C, Oliynyk M et al. Is ATP a signaling agent in plants? Plant Physiol 2003; 133: 456Y61.Demidchik, V.; Nichols, C.; Oliynyk, M.; Dark, A.; G...
某些核编码蛋白通过控制叶绿体核糖体装配等方式 调控叶绿体基因的翻译.在低温环境下, 拟南芥叶绿 体核糖体的组装需要核编码 DIM1 的参与 (Tokuhisa et al., 1998).研究发现, 核基因与叶绿体基因翻译之 间存在一一对应的调控关系.如衣藻tab1-F15基因的 突变导致叶绿体的psaB mRNA不能翻译; 玉米atp1 基因突变导致...
Transport of anthocyanins and other flavonoids by the Arabidopsis ATP-binding cassette transporter AtABCC2. Sci. Rep. 9, 437 (2019). Article PubMed PubMed Central CAS Google Scholar Cárdenas, P. D. et al. GAME9 regulates the biosynthesis of steroidal alkaloids and upstream isoprenoids in ...
This same recombinant protein also has GC activity in vitro that is dependent on the presence of either Mg(2+) or Mn(2+). Overexpression of the full-length AtPSKR1 receptor in Arabidopsis leaf protoplasts raised the endogenous basal cGMP levels over 20-fold, indicating that the receptor has...
In mammals, hexokinase (HK) binds to VDAC, which allows the channeling of ATP synthesized by oxidative phosphorylation toward HK. In plants, although HK has been found associated with OMM, evidence for an interaction with VDAC is scarce. Thus, in this work, we studied the physical and ...
Complete solution:The conversion might happen in the cytoplasm, which is the fluid between the cell membrane and the nucleus, or in mitochondria, which are specific energy-producing structures. ADP to ATP can be represented as ADP + Pi + energy ATP, or adenosine diphosphate plus inorganic ...
To test whether AtPDR8 is involved in heavy metal resistance, we examined transgenic Arabidopsis that over-expressed AtPDR8 and RNAi plants that exhibited a severely reduced AtPDR8 transcript level, as well as T-DNA insertion mutants of this ABC transporter. AtPDR8-over-expressing plants were ...
g, Residues within the CA domain of the HKRD in protomer A surrounding a possible ATP-binding pocket. Extended Data Fig. 4 Topology of PhyB generated from the cryo-EM 3D model and structural predictions of the three PAS domains. a, Topological schematic of PhyB. Shown are the NTE, nPAS...
What is the net ATP production after glycolysis and Krebs cycle in aerobic respiration? ATP is called the energy currency of the cell. Where are the high energy bonds located in an ATP molecule? What is the role of ATP in our bodies?
A combination of functional genomics, gene expression, in vivo and in vitro pollen germination, immunolabeling, and biochemical analyses was used on wild-type and Atpme48 mutant plants. We showed that AtPME48 is specifically expressed in the male gametophyte and is the second most expressed PME...