This is just something I thought about as I was reading through this article. I shouldn't have any trouble getting enough asparagine in my body. I enjoy eating every one of the foods that was mentioned, and have many of them every day. ...
Asparagine takes its name from manypeople's favourite,asparagus(芦笋).(1In the future, scientists hope totake advantage of cancer's “dietary addictions” to improve treatment.The study, conducted at the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, took placeon mice with an aggressive form of breast ...
Asparagine is an amino acid (a building block of proteins) that is found in many vegetables, with higher concentrations in some varieties of potatoes. When heated to high temperatures in the presence of certain sugars, asparagine can form acrylamide. High-temperature cooking methods, such as fryin...
Hilary Brueck
aspaspergillus asparagineaasn asparagus yanbianensi asparaguus cochinchin asparcs aspartate aminotransf aspartate protease as aspartate transaminas aspcpsp aspect mining aspect of mongoose aspect ratio adjustme aspectcamera aspects of environmen aspen extreme aspergers aspergill aspergillum aspergillus favus asp...
meatsorenessnutritionmedicinediabetesoniomaniametabolismstaphasparagineproteinriskemotionscreen timeradiofrequencyevening mealmarketinginjurylazy geneexpert seriescontagioustacsmphysical activitytapewormtoneperceptiondietingcravingsmistletoeself-controlstretch goalshungerenergyjuicingathletic wearstrengthpandemiccockroach milkpedometer...
Sakakibara Y, Hase T, Grandjean O, Clement G, Citerne S, Boutet-Mercey S, Masclaux-Daubresse C, Chardon F, Soulay F, Xu X, Trassaert M, Shakiebaei M, Najihi A, Suzuki A (2017) ASN1-encoded asparagine synthetase in floral organs contributes to nitrogen filling in Arabidopsis seeds. ...