the original Tea Party in Boston on December 16, 1773 was all about taxes. Taxed by the far away elite body called the Parliament in England where it was felt we, the people, had no voice. Sound familiar
Why must we pay taxes?The answers is that the government needs money for many things,for example to pay its soldiers,sailors and airman,to build roads,bridges,offices,schools,etc and to buy goods from abroad;and only the people of the country can supply the money.One of the most important...
(84) Zachary Foster on X: “Benjamin @netanyahu: The Israeli army “is the most moral army in the world.” Human Rights Watch & The United Nations: The Israeli army is “using starvation of civilians as a method of warfare” (@hrw) & “working to expel civilian population of Gaza” ...
A Payments you receive as a member of a military service generally are taxed aswages except for retirement pay, which is taxed as a pension. If your retirement pay is based on age or length of service, it is taxable and must be included in your income as a pension on lines 5a and 5b...
NORNorth of Range(Installation and locations north of the Alaskan Range Army) NORNormal Order Reduction(lambda calculus reduction strategy) NORNavy Outdoor Recreation(US Navy) NORNo Operation Replacement(computer programming) NORNot Otherwise Rated ...
Another type of hazard pay consists of funds provided to people whose jobs are not related to the dangers of combat. Instead, these jobs simply consist of dangerous activities. Constructing skyscrapers, for instance, requires workers to climb great heights, so construction workers might receive hazar...
George Washington became the first President of United States after playing a critical role in the American Revolution as the commander of the Continental Army. Benjamin Franklin was a writer, diplomat and inventor before his involvement in the American Revolution. He later served as US Ambassador...
These ranged from forcing citizens to pay more than one hundred new taxed, taking away cash grants from Guyanese children, rendering thousands of sugar workers and Amerindian residents jobless, and repossessing farmlands in the MMAADA and other parts of the country. ...
The story was all over mainstream media here in UK this morning; the Wagner group mercenaries, the private army that defeated the forces of His Excellency, Genealissimo Vobblyvoddymyr Bellendskyyy, President for life of The Whole World at the siege of Bakhmut had rebelled against the Putin...
For those who received retirement pay and later were assessed to have a service-related disability rating based on VA findings, the taxes on the associated portion of the retirement pay that was taxed prior to the determination is refundable. In this situation,IRS Form 1040xis required. ...