Yes,armoredis in the scrabble dictionary ...and is worth11points by itself. find more words you can make below Armored Definition Cladorequippedwitharmsorarmor. from the English-language Wiktionary Coveredwitharmor, as ashipor thefaceof afortification;armor-plated. ...
verb-transitiveTo equip with weapons: armed themselves with loaded pistols; arm a missile with a warhead; arm a nation for war. from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th EditionTo equip with what is needed for effective action: tax advisers who were armed with the ...
armed8 armet7 aster5 dames8 dares6 darts6 dater6 dates6 dears6 deems8 deers6 deets6 demes8 derat6 derma8 derms8 deter6 drams8 drats6 dream8 drees6 drest6 eared6 eased6 eater5 edema8 erase5 ester5 madre8 mares7 marse7 marts7 maser7 mated8 mater7 mates7 matte7 matts7 meads8 me...
VPVisitor Protection(National Park Service; designates armed park ranger position) VPPlatform Velocity VPVita Patris(Latin: in Father's Lifetime) VPVapautus Palveluksesta(Finnish: relieved from service) VPVirtual Packet VPViet Pride VPVenereal Pamphlet(US Navy) ...
in some countries, a period of compulsory service in the armed forces.servicio militar ˌnation-ˈwideadjective,adverb (happeningetc) throughout the whole nation.a nation-wide broadcast;They travelled nation-wide.por todo el país Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionar...
Verb Take upon oneself; act presumptuously, without permission To be courageous enough to try or do something Challenge Noun A challenge to do something dangerous or foolhardy What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in dare? 4 Letter Words ...
) A genus, including numerous species, of marine chaetopod annelids, having a well-formed head, with two pairs of eyes, antennae, four pairs of tentacles, and a protrusile pharynx, armed with a pair of hooked jaws. Nereites (n. pl.) Fossil tracks of annelids. Nereocystis (n.) A...
the self inflicted in the self preservation the self-deceit of te the senate armed serv the senators said the sentence completi the septuagint the serpent ate eve the service of the co the serviceability an the services the set of non-negati the settlers 2 the ne the settlers iv the seven...
everyone gets so sens everyone has a seat everyone has won everyone helps you everyone is armed everyone is no everyone love it everyone n everyone to his own t everyone understands everyone wants to rec everyone you decerves everythellong comes t everything about the everything ah everythi...
Verb Strike or drive against with a heavy impact Force into or from an action or state, either physically or metaphorically Undergo damage or destruction on impact Crowd or pack to capacity 1 Anagram of Rammed Anagrams are words that use the same letters as other words, but in a different ...