is arguably the most famous and most quoted opening line in literary history. Yet, almost every teacher of writing will advise you not to open your story by using author narrative. It’s boring they say and self-indulgent! I tend to agree most of the time. My favorite way to start any...
Be careful not to overuse or misuse the sentence adverbs clearly, obviously, certainly, and inarguably, especially in persuasive or academic writing. Because they are used so often and what follows them is not always actually beyond questioning, they can weaken a writer’s claim instead of under...
一、阅读理解A The Silk Road is arguably the most famous long-distance trade route of the ancient world. This passage connected Europe in the West with Chin a in the East, and allowed the exchange of goods, technology, and ideas between the two civilizations. Although merchants could make hug...
This time is arguably worse, though. Not only is the Rangers’ hat laughably bad, but other hats suffered similar fates, although not as vulgar. Click over to see the rest, which includes an Astros hat that reads as “ASHOS” because of the imposition of the “H” over “Astros”....
根据第一段“The FIFA World Cup Trophy is arguably one of the most iconic prizes in the sporting world. So far, two different trophies (奖杯) have been used in the history of the FIFA World Cups.( 国际足联世界杯奖杯可以说是体育界最具标志性的奖项之一。到目前为止,两个不同的奖杯在国际足联...
At the same time, it should be acknowledged that subject knowledge alone is a necessary but insufficient condition, as pedagogic subject knowledge (i.e., ‘how to teach effectively’) is arguably an even more important aspect of teacher knowledge (Myhill et al., 2013). It might be argued ...
This is arguably to overstate the case,however,since the studies suffer from some important limitations and possibly from some methodological flaws.Most obvious is the question of ecological validity,or the generalizability of Neufeld's findings.First,the non-native speakers tested in the French ...
2015). Permanence expectations may also be based on the nature of the data, such that passively disclosed, behavioral data, which is arguably of lesser and lesser value the older it gets, has an intrinsic expiry date in which it becomes irrelevant with regards to consumers’ expectations of ...
Microsoft Excel is arguably one of the most popular spreadsheet applications and has long since played a role in businesses. However, with the popularity of other current spreadsheet software, Excel now has increased competition. The website claims that the collection of apps in Googl...
Its most common use so far is creating ChatGPT - a highly capable chatbot. To give you a little taste of its most basic ability, we asked GPT-3's chatbot to write its own description as you can see above. It’s a little bitboast...