Conjunctivalhyperemia was graded using theCorneaand ContactLensResearch Unit (CCLRU) grading scale (0 = none; 1 = very slight; 2 = slight; 3 = moderate; 4 = severe). A larger reduction in hyperemia favoring EYSUVIS was observed at Day 15 in all four trials (Figure 2). Figure 2: M...
In macular degeneration, the macula is slowly destroyed, often due to free radical damage or exposure to dangerous short-wave light frequencies from the sun. As macular degeneration progresses, the center of the visual field first becomes blurry, then obscured, and finally resolves into a dark, ...
The article discusses the results of the Age-Related Eye Disease Study 1 (AREDS1) and AREDS 2. It mentions that AREDS 1 revealed reduction in progression of age related macular degeneration (AMD) with antioxidants and z...