As an example, grape juice is permitted because it is transparent, though pigmented. Prior to a colonoscopy, though, your doctor may advise you not to have any drinks with a red or purple color. Their residue looks like blood and can make things difficult for your doctor. Depending on your...
Some diets are also more likely to cause stool to turn green. Green poop can mean the food is not fully digested or you have an abundance of bile (digestive juices). The following diets may cause green poop and the meaning behind it. Colon cleanse:Colon cleanse dietor colonoscopy prep ma...
(Although that’s enough fiber to prep you for a colonoscopy. Sometimes “delicious” should come with a warning.) Full disclosure, though – while I’ve found a number of recipes that are actually pretty decent, rest assured that we’ve had multiple cooking failures along the way. I’ll...
I usually fall when trying to get up to my feet. But, if I have my husband's assistance, I can usually walk a few steps. I am still very sore the next day. I took 2 skelaxin (muscle relaxers) 30 min after incident, followed by tons of water, a banana and some orange juice. ...
Water content.Interestingly, wild fruits are often calorically denser than cultivated fruits due to their lower water content. Whereas humans seem fond of fruits with a juice-dribbling-down-your-chin effect, wild fruits are sometimes (but not always) dry, crumbly, crunchy, mushy, and otherwise ...