When a user taps on the screen, the frontend sends a request to the backend. The backend retrieves the information required to perform a function via an API and sends back the final output to the frontend. Let’s take an example.
API Services vs. API Microservices The term API microservice describes an API that interacts with a backend that uses the architectural structure known as microservices.Microservice architectureis a method for building applications in which components are broken down into small, independent pieces. The...
Monitoring API EndpointsDownload article as PDF APIs and endpoints have always been a hot topic of discussion among frontend developers and backend developers alike. To develop useful and sustainable applications and services, APIs have been powerful mediums and enablers. APIs facilitate the data transm...
API Gateway (APIG) is your cloud native gateway service. With APIG, you can build, manage, and deploy APIs at any scale to package your capabilities. With just a few clic
The endpoint is where the API connects with Twitter’s backend system. When we make a request to the/statuses/update endpoint, the endpoint does the work of processing the request (letting the kitchen know what we want and how to prepare it – in this case with custom text) and sending ...
NNAPIBBCC Tools Base on MNN (Tensor compute engine), we provided a series of tools for inference, train and general computation. MNN-Converter: Convert other models to MNN models for inference, such as Tensorflow(lite), Caffe, ONNX, Torchscripts. And do graph optimization to reduce computatio...
Starting Danswer Api Server One can see in the log above that API could not connect to the index container which is a Vespa instance. As turned out the latest version (and some versions before it) of this image is broken and could not be initialized: /usr/local/bin/start-container.sh...
API backend The API backend is the name often used for the software that translates the API call into action(s). It could be an integration technology such as an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), a database, another cloud service, a microservice, application, or web server. ...
Ingress and Gateway API support Layer 7 HTTP/HTTPS request forwarding based on prefix/exact match on: Hostname Path Header Query string Methods Ports (80/443) Mutual authentication (mTLS) to frontend, backend, or end-to-end Server-sent event (SSE) support ...
Another disadvantage arises whenswitchingfrom a Backend as a Service provider to a new service provider. This is because the providers use theirown server interfaceand software development kits, thus storing the API, drivers, or network protocols in separate locations. In that case, it’s not eno...