在打包apk时遇到错误提示说Android SDK版本过低,这可能是由于您使用的SDK版本低于构建apk所需的要求。为了确保构建过程顺利进行,请检查并更新您的Android SDK版本至最新。您可以在Android SDK Manager中查找并下载最新版本的SDK,这将有助于解决您遇到的问题。通常,Android Studio会自动检测并提示需要更新的...
Ensure the Android device's software is up to date, asoutdated software can cause issueswith the hotspot. It's important to note that major Android OS updates sometimes depend on the mobile carrier to push out to their customers. Likewise, medium- to large-sized organizations using ...
在使用 Android NDK 进行开发时,偶尔会遇到 “Host ‘awk’ tool is outdated. Please define NDK_HOST_AWK to point to Gawk or Nawk !” 的警告信息。通过更新 ‘awk’ 工具或者定义NDK_HOST_AWK环境变量,我们可以解决这个问题。请记住,确保你使用的是最新版本的 ‘awk’ 工具或者指定一个可用的 awk 工具...
SDK Location not specified: The Android SDK location needs to be specified in the development environment (e.g., Android Studio) for it to function properly. If this location is not specified or set incorrectly, the “Unable to continue until an Android SDK is specified” error may occur. ...
Unity3d - Android Build : Android SDK is outdated SDK Build Tools version 20.0.0 < 21 Test on: - Mac OSX Yosemite - Unity3d 4.6.1 [Warning] [Solved] 1. choose "continue" if you want to use current version build tool, but this warning will ask everytime when you build apk file. ...
“Android SDK is outdated SDK Build Tools version 19.1 < 21” And in the console: “Error building Player: CommandInvokationFailure: Unable to update the SDK. Please run the SDK Manager manually to make sure you have the latest set of tools and the required platforms installed. ..” ...