SVQs are the Scottish equivalent to NVQs in England. Learn about the different SVQ levels, how qualifications are assessed, and more here.
A teaching assistant's guide to completing NVQ level 3; supporting teaching and learning in schools The staff from Kirklees Drug Action Team and Lifeline Kirklees have qualified as trainers by completing either a City and Guilds National Vocational Qualification Level 3 for training and presenting or...
Diet is an important modifiable risk factor for dementia that could be targeted for disease prevention and risk reduction [5, 6]. Healthier dietary patterns, especially the Mediterranean diet (MedDiet), have been proposed as a strategy to reduce dementia risk [7, 8]. Recent systematic [9] ...
By 2002, the government wants half the adult working population to gain level 3 qualifications equivalent to Advanced GNVQ, BTEC National Certificate, NVQ level 3 or two A-Levels.Most courses are flexible so they fit around other commitments and allow students to choose their own pace. The ...