The definition of mediocre is "of ordinary quality," "merely adequate," and "average." Another word that shares the same root is mediocracy, which means "government run by mediocre people" — an all-too-common condition. Definitions of mediocre. adjective. moderate to inferior in quality. Wh...
single noun is called a compound noun.The combination of these two or more words results in the formation of a new word having a distinct meaning. The three types of compound nouns that are commonly used are hyphenated compound nouns, closed compound nouns, and open compound nouns. ...
fan (that’s putting it lightly). My common thought has been that Netapp is the Blackberry of the storage world. Failing to keep abreast of changes in the space, rigid in its thinking, inflexible, full of hubris, all the things that leave an organization ripe to be surpassed and eclipsed...
Now you're handy with the em dash, ready to place it in all the appropriate places, surrounded by no inappropriate spaces. But beware—if you're looking for the em dash, your keyboard has a few false friends to distract you. Let's look at hownotto confuse your em dashes with en das...
Spaceball 2000 (Mac/Win, ~20MB, free) - A great little sci-fi-themed ball-bouncing physics-based platform-puzzle game (could I have worked any more hyphenated phrases in there?!). Use the [arrow] keys to move and build bouncing momentum as you work your way to the key card that open...
Adverbs modifying adjectives are not typically hyphenated. Instead, they are written separately. Common compound adjective forms include the following: Using hyphens in compound adjectives when appropriate ensures precision and readability, especially when the meaning might otherwise be unclear. Adjectives ...
According to Mass Legal Services, the child's last name may be the father's last name, the mother's last name, a hyphenated version of both, or any other last name that the couple wishes. The only time there would be an issue is if the parents can't come to an agreement on the ...
One may think that it is the book writer who is in the best position to do film adaptations. In fact, sometimes authors are very involved in the process and may even be the screenwriter. This can actually be a disadvantage because they may be too close to the material and find it diffi...
One might forget whether "abracadabra" is hyphenated or not, or get the last few letters wrong on "rhinoceros", but even the poorest of spellers can make a reasonable stab at almost anything. By contrast, often even the most well-educated Chinese have no recourse but to throw up their ...
The wordnon sequiturhas itsrootsin ancient Latin, where it means “does not follow.” Note the letteruat the end, before ther, innon sequitur, instead of the –erending common in English words. In writing,non sequituris not hyphenated. ...