isobornyl isovalerate isobtop therapeuti ap isobunnai station isobutylene-glycol isobutylidene-acetone isocarbophos isochthonous graft isocinema introducec isoclinal method isocratic dlution isocyanic acid hnco a isocyclic compound isodon rugosus isoenzyme or isozyme isoetes l isoetes sinensis palm iso...
thinwin thioacetonepolymers thioaminopropionic ac thiobencarb thiocaine thiocarbonic acid thiocarboxylic acid e thiocyanic acid mercu thiocyanomethane thiogl ycolate acid thiolactam thiomicolersketone thionins thiono thionthiolicacid thionylbromide thiophenemethanal thiophenic acid thiophosthoryl chlori ...
Maybe I could just dunk the whole board in acetone and chill that with dry ice... (the cold CO2 coming off the dry ice will keep the acetone from catching fire. You could probably throw a lit match into it and have it go out, especially if it wasn't very windy (you'd be doing...
We also conducted long-term triptonide treatment using single daily oral doses of 0.8 mg/kg BW for 3 and 6 months, respectively (Supplementary Movies3-4). All 16 male mice tested (8 in each group) became infertile after 4 weeks, and infertility persisted between week 4 and the third...
(Fig.2). In a nutshell, individual tests quantified different functionally relevant mechanical properties of the mosquito ear. It should be noted that all measures represent compound responses, i.e. all mechanical parameters (e.g. flagellar best frequency or tuning sharpness) reflect the sum total...
Briefly, frozen placental sections were permeabilised with acetone and 0.1% Triton X-100, blocked with 5% normal human serum, and incubated with primary antibodies for occludin (2.5 μg/ml; rabbit polyclonal; catalogue no. 71-1500, Thermo Fisher, USA) and the endothelial marker platelet ...
Quick freeze substitution with agitation using 1% OsO4, 0.2% uranyl acetate in acetone followed by rapid epoxy resin embedding was performed as previously described.66,67 Subsequently, 50 nm thick sections of the embedded samples were prepared using a Leica UC7. These were contrasted for 10 min...
One caveat: These baths are best when brought to the desired temperature and monitored every 15 minutes or so. Adding a large excess of dry ice, as you would with an acetone/dry ice bath, will lead to a thick syrup that’s difficult to mix and far too cold. Ice still floats in the...
thinner oil thinngr thinocopacoridae thioacetone polymer thiocyanate porosity thioglycoic acid thiokinase thiol thiol-modified rubber thionic fluvisols thionizer thionyl bromochloride thionylamines thiophere thiosulfate cyanide s thioxine dyes third adiabiatic inva third age third bedroom third branch ...
L1was upregulated specifically in microglia in AD brain tissue compared to controls and to a greater extent inAPOE4/4compared to AD-APOE3/3microglia (Fig.1f, Extended Data Fig.3band Supplementary Table2). Subclustering all the microglia from this study revealed thatACSL1+microglia constitute a...