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I tried out in November to purchase a jersey for my kid’s Christmas present. I still have not received the jersey, but the seller says it was delivered. There is no way to track the delivery and the dates don’t add up. The seller was trying to get me to change to...
ahello! m so sorry to ask this but is there any other websites from China that ship to India with free shipping like aliexpress. I really want to explore some other sites too. I hope you don't get me in a wrong sense. thanks :-). please let me know if you do know 你好! m很...
you need a unique value proposition to be different. The most competitive sub-sector can be found in the fashion industry. However, you can study dropshipping companies like AliExpress, which has many years of experience
Support CNX Software! Donate viacryptocurrencies,become a Patronon Patreon, or purchase goods onAmazonorAliexpress “If you build it, they won’t necessarily come.” Don’t forget that China does play/work with “normal” western market dynamics. The Chinese government doesn’t have to ban Andr...