Too many people have not read a single book, a blog post, nothing. They picked up the words. They don’t know what the words mean. For example, they don’t know that “agile” is an adjective, not a noun. People aren’t wrong for wanting any of this. I would love a silver bul...
a highly agile fighte a historical document a historic character a historic moment a hitman ahlfors screen ahlfor ahmed ah my goddess a home-made shotgun l a home-made shotgun l ahong kqong compatrio a hotbed of crime a hotel overlooking t ahpc ahtic a human carcinogen a humanitarian ca...
the afflent society the afp the afternoon of a to the age of a draft an the age of aquarius the age of pisces the age of the innoce the agent of the buic the agile software de the agony and ecstasy the ahn trio the aim and the air is thin the air transportatio the air was glit...
Picking an agile framework isn’t necessarily easy. But it can save the team a lot of headache in the long run if you establish the right foundation for productivity in the beginning. Maybe XP is the one that will serve your team best, but maybe not. Either way, if you find the fra...
An adjective is a content word, which means it creates an image in the reader's mind.It usually comes before the noun or pronoun it modifies. Adjectives don't just modify the objects around us, however; they can also be used to describe our feelings. For example, the adjectives "happy,...
It doesn't cover all aspects of agile, but it is an elevator speech after all. Bruce Rennie Agile means being able to change direction quickly and easily. We assume that you can’t really know in advance what customers will value or the path to delivering it. So instead of applying form...
7 definitions of the word alive. Adjective Possessing life (often followed by `with') full of life and spirit Having life or vigor or spirit (followed by `to' or `of') aware of In operation Mentally perceptive and responsive Capable of erupting ...
If to describe them as parts of speech, the functional requirement is a verb, while the non-functional requirement is an adjective. The functional requirement is the essence of the system, its main function; the non-functional requirement defines the attributes of quality and perfo...
Quick as an adjective: Mentally agile, alert, perceptive. Examples: "My father is old but he still has a quick wit." Quick as an adjective: Of temper: easily aroused to anger; quick-tempered. Quick as an adjective (archaic): Alive, living. Quick as an adjective (archaic): Pregnant, ...
challenging 7 definitions of the word challenging. Adjective Requiring full use of your abilities or resources Stimulating interest or thought Disturbingly provocative Verb Take exception to Issue a challenge to Ask for identification Raise a formal objection in a court of law ...