Try saving a copy as an IDML version to see if it clears the corruption. Always keep incremtal copies of your documents so you can revert to a previous - 14784958 - 15
I have a MacBook Pro 16" from 2019 with 64GB of RAM and a 2TB SSD. There is no reason why it would crash. This has been going on since Sonoma has been released and I see no activity about it. Is this still supported? I love it but it's getting increasingly unstable under macOS ...
v3.0, 2020-02-04, Fix #939, response right A/V flag in FLV header. 3.0.113 v3.0, 2020-02-04, For #939, always enable fast FLV streaming. v3.0, 2020-02-02, 3.0 beta0(3.0.112) released. 121709 lines. v3.0, 2020-01-29, Support isolate version file. 3.0.112 v3.0, 2020-01...
Thus, the reductions observed for these two species after 10 days at this temperature cannot be the result of a direct impact of temperature (Fig. 5), but to indirect responses associated with the severe reduction observed in algal photosynthesis. As the maintenance of a negative carbon ...
The test keys discovered by Binarly, by contrast, were shared for more than a decade among more than a dozen independent device makers. The result is that the keys can no longer be trusted because the private portion of them is an open industry secret. In an interview, Binarly founder ...
Question: if I would go for a bigger phone (XA2 Plus) when Sailfish 3 is fully released, could I get support with flashing? Log in to Reply Andal_GER on November 1, 2018 at 11:12 pm I have the xa2 plus also. And it will be fully supported by Jolla. Log in to Reply Jam...
I can confirm that upgrading a STK2MV64CC to the current firmware released by Intel results in IAS returning a report indicating that the CPU security version is valid. I'm running out of time now but I can get the CPUSVN off that platform if there is in...
A reference card, also known as a stock card, is a graphics card design directly released by the graphics processing unit (GPU) models, such as NVIDIA® or AMD. It features standard design, cooling solution, and specified clock speeds. On the other hand, custom-designed graphics cards modi...