while someone with ADHD has underlying difficulties with hyperacidity, attention, and problems with impulsivity. Asperger's and ADHD are both considered neurodevelopmental disorders, butADHD does not fall under the autism spectrum.
ADHD is dimensional, not categorical. This means that there’s a broad spectrum of functionality within the condition, and diagnosing ADHD isn’t a matter of looking at black and white biological markers, but rather at a wide, eclectic range of symptoms (more on those below). People with AD...
ADHD/ADD Adjustment Disorders Agoraphobia Anorexia Antisocial Personality Disorder Anxiety Disorders Austim Spectrum Disorder Avoidant Personality Disorder Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder Binge Eating Bipolar Disorder Body Dysmorphic Disorder Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors ...
inattention, and hyperactivity [1]. Prevalence of ADHD is around 6% during childhood and 4% during adulthood [2,3]. While ADHD, per definition, starts before the 12th birthday, it persists into adulthood in up to 60% of patients,
Nutritional therapy for autism (NTA) is a therapy that helps a child with autism overcome or reduce their need for food and can help improve their overall well-being. It is a treatment used on a child with autism and can help them overcome their food needs....
Is sensory processing disorder part of autism spectrum disorder? What happens after a diagnosis of autism? What is the difference between ADHD and autism? Are dyspraxia and autism spectrum disorder related? How does autism spectrum disorder affect the brain? Is auditory processing disorder on the au...
ADHD is a legitimate condition, and not a product of “stupidity,”“laziness,” or "bad parenting." One widespread misconception that even clinicians still get wrong is that ADHD is not considered a behavioral disorder, despite the diagnosis currently relying on identifying symptoms through behavior...
Behavior also develops over time. Behavior liketemper tantrumsand aggression may upset you but are quite normal at age three. The same behavior is considered a significant problem at age five. A developmental-behavioral pediatrician will assess your child and reassure you or advise therapy as approp...
ADHD pharmacotherapy may have a boosting effect on longitudinal changes in parent-reported ED and a normalizing effect on concurrent measures of self-reported ED in adolescents. Similar content being viewed by others Treatment Implications for ADHD Youth with Mood and Anxiety Comorbidity ...
Hello, my name is Julia and I’m an adult living with a diagnosis of Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA). I also have a diagnosis of ADHD and Psychotic Episodes. PDA is a lifelong Pervasive Developmental Disorder and was first described by the late Prof.