Irregular or ill-defined margins that blend or admix with surrounding fibrocystic breast tissues, suggesting multifocality (this form has been designated fibroadenomatosis or fibroadenomatoidhyperplasiaand may explain some recurrences) ▪ Areas of apocrinemetaplasia ...
The highest relative percentage (53%) occurred in adenomatoid hyperplasia, followed by 36% in papillary hyperplasia, 26% in mucinous hypertrophy, and 14% in squamous metaplasia. With only two exceptions the mutation pattern of the ductal lesions and that of the corresponding primary tumor were ...
Therefore, IHC for ER, PR and HER2 on cell block sample in breast cancer patients is a reliable method for biomarker assessment when sufficient cellular material in cell block is available for IHC staining. Discrepent cases may reflect tumor heterogeneity of biomarker expression and may not ...