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It is strictly for digital marketers. Academia should check out their sister productPassed.AI Originality AI Alternatives Originality AI is one of the pioneers of AI content detection tools in the GPT era. However, there are a few Originality AI alternatives that you can try if you want options...
Scamadviser is an automated algorithm to check if a website is legit and safe (or not). The review ofmicrosoft.comhas been based on an analysis of 40 facts found online in public sources. Sources we use are if the website is listed on phishing and spam sites, if it serves malware, ...
A quick search online is likely to land you to Essaypro’s website. The information on the site presents the company as a reliable and time conscious service that can assist you with all kinds of assignments. Well, I can confirm that the information is accurate and a true reflection of th...
Academia is another example. The fact is ideas build on the shoulders of other ideas. Individuals will always copy because they think it is easier than coming up with original thinking or concepts. I do not believe any idea is unique. We are conditioned by our environment but you can but ...
The school’s concept of academia is pretty much, you are either doing well or you are an absolute moron, there’s no in-between! Liv tells us so many horror stories of teachers bullying the students but it’s remarkable how academically mature these kids are. They are really happy to ...
The first can be trivially easy and known as a “black bag job”. The second is currently computationaly intensive for all but a few with certain hashes. But we have reason to believe that certain SigInt Agencies are ten to fifty years ahead of certain parts of academia. ...
Why is a professor “pathetic” and unemployed? Is it because he thinks outside the box but demonic academia rejects his ideas? It sounds like a fairy-tale only a 10-year old child can believe in. Is it due to ignorance or professional incompetence? Most likely. ...
RFK Jr.'s Quackapalooza announcement. I hadn’t planned on doing “theme weeks,” but somehow the last two weeks have turned into that. Last week ended up being all about themost ridiculousof the “Debate me, bro!” antivaxxers issuing bogus challenges to “debate” vaccines, who thendox...
Due to the disconnected bubble of CS academia, all of these candidates know at least C and Java. And without fail, these are the languages that they claim to be the strongest in.A handful of our candidates chose to do the text processing problem in C, which is an immediate handicap. An...