Which virus, for the first time, was synthesised in the form of non-living crystals View Solution Go through the following statements: I. Viruses are more closely related to chemical matter than to a living organism. II. Viruses and bacteria are the only infectious agents found in plants ...
Is Human T-lymphotropic virus 1 a double-stranded RNA virus? Is the virus considered as living or dead? Explain. A virus is unlike an organism in that the virus Does the lysogenic cycle cause cell death? What component of a virus is lacking in a cell?
a. A cell is a virus. b. A cell is a field on an Excel spreadsheet. c. A cell is a structure surrounded by a cell membrane that carries out all requirements of a living thing. d. A cell is the smallest unit of non-living th What is a single-celled, microscopi...
HIV) and protein. Some viruses also have lipids. Viruses are made-up of either DNA (like smallpox) or RNA (flu, HIV) and protein. Some viruses also have lipids. A virus is basically a protein container (
Viruses aren't alive; they can only grow and reproduce inside of the host cells they infect. Bacteria are living organisms. Both viruses and bacteria can get you very sick, but most bacteria are harmless and many are helpful.
The virus will be able to stay alive only by replicating itself, inside the living cells of an organism. Outside of it, it may have a life ranging from a few minutes to a few days. Can we protect ourselves from the viruses?
Noninfectious Diseases Noninfectious Disease- a disease or disorder that is not caused by a virus or living organism. Noninfectious disease can not be spread. Causes of Noninfectious Disease Genetic disease- a disease or disorder that is caused entirely or partly by genetic information passed on ...
arbor hole arboricides arboriculturearboricu arborvitaes arbovirus vector rese arbs -angiotensin-rec arbuscular mycorrhiza arc academy japanese arc and pool arc bit arc chutearc chute arc control device arc dischargerarc dis arc energyarc energy arc lightingarc light arc magmatism arc minute arc sup...
toxigenicity.The ability of a pathogenic organism to produce injurious substances that damage the host. What affects virus infectivity? The ratio between genome equivalents (GE) and infectious particles has been reported to increase with time, and is strongly dependent uponwater and climatic conditions...
5.Too many, including Cuban policy makers, continue tometer todo el mundo en el mismo saco(lump everyone together, ignoring nuance and circumstance). All societies are an organism—a living, breathing, often amorphous and contradictory conglomeration of personalities, individual situations, philosophy,...