Susan Fournier: Yes, but you can’t go as deep as you might if you took a whole other year and took nothing but leadership courses. Jason Bellini: Is this a good time to be a dean of a business school? Susan Fournier: It’s really a test for how to manage a business. Jason Bell...
apprenticeship-n. a position where a person is taught a trade and serves as an assistant to an established tradesman bachelor's degree-n. a degree given by a college or university for completing a course of study that usually takes four years ind...
Before law school, I did a different three-year graduate degree (in architecture), which I personally found much more challenging than law school. So, although I found the process of becoming a lawyer unpleasant in many ways, it wasn’t the hardest thing I’d ever done or anything like t...
American schoolkids pondering(考虑) whether to take on huge student loans areconstantly told that college is the gateway to the middle class. The truth is more nuanced (微妙的), as Barack Obamahinted(暗示) when he said in January that “folks can make a lot more" by learning a trade “...
Above all, she fears she’ll never own a house or be able to retire. It’s not that she regrets getting her degree. "Bat they don’t tell you that the trade-off is the next ten years of your income," she says. That’s precisely the deal being made by more and more college ...
Applications to M.B.A. programs have increased sharply this year. Here’s how to tell if business school is right for you.
Is college A worthy investment 2013-12-2 144712:32 对大学教育的投资值得吗2013-12-2 6909:33 The rise of the sharing economy2013-12-1 9111:56 共享经济的兴起2013-12-1 4009:47 Surviving the Recession2013-6-3 8912:14 年度经济衰退2013-6-3 2511:29 School Lunch 2013-6-2 2511:33 学校午餐...
Examines the benefit (or loss) to a chemical engineer with a bachelor of science degree for staying in school to earn a master's or doctoral degree. Points out that, contrary to popular belief, the economics of getting advanced degrees in chemical engineering is currently favorable. (JN)关键...
High school graduation is worth celebrating. It marks a big change in the lives of young adults. However, it ought to mean even more. It ought to mean that the graduate is ready for college or career. In a report issued last year, we found that almost half of recent Illinois high ...
Is an Ivy League education worth it? If you only look at what graduates earn, then no, it's not, according to our discounted cash flow model. According to this model, you're much better off, value-wise, attending a public school, where your rate of return is the highest. Of course...