("last_name",Or("Blart","Tralb"))NDef("name_suffix",Opt(NRef("seniority")),Or("Phd.","CISSP","MD.","MBA","NBA","NFL","WTF","The Great"),sep=" ")NDef("seniority",Or("Sr.","Jr."))NDef("name_title",Or("Sir","Ms.","Mr.","Mrs.","Senator","Capt.","Maj.",...
endsWith(suffix) compares the given string with a specified suffix and returns true only if the string ends with the suffix. For example: String s = 'Hello World'; System.assert(s.endsWith('World')); equals equals(stringOrld) is used when you want to compare an object that is a strin...
How should you address a letter to a person if you do not know his or her gender? How do you write Mr and Ms in a letter? How do you start a letter when you don't know the person? If you plan on delivering a personal letter to someone you don't already know, you can begin ...
(string, tag ="16")]pubname_prefix:String,// tag=16 (eg. mr/mrs/ms)#[prost(string)]pubname_suffix:String,// tag=17 (eg. jr/esq)#[prost(string)]pubmaiden_name:String,// tag=18}#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Enumeration)]pubenumGender{ Unknown =0, Female =1, ...
Mr or Mrs. 500 Points: 538 More actions July 27, 2009 at 1:56 pm #1030730 Hi.. Do you have any database with name maste4IDR? It's a info message displayed after DBCC command run on your database. If you get this message regularly check if there is any job created for it in ...
For the characters, see Mr. and Mrs. Hoofington.Hoofington is a location mentioned by Trixie in Boast Busters as the site of her made-up battle with an ursa. The suffix -ington is derived from old English for "town". The name is quite similar to that of a political news website, ...
China and Chile are located far away from each other; however, the two peoples have enjoyed a long history of interactions and profound friendship. Pablo Neruda, a Nobel Prize laureate in literature and a major poet in Chile, referred to China affectiona