"Every beer brand is launching a seltzer, so it only felt right to do the same. We spent a lot of time debating if we should bury seltzers, shoot them off into space or drop them into the mouth of an erupting volcano. But sending them into a black hole seemed to make the most se...
Hard Truths: Cracking Open the Case of Whether Hard Seltzer Is BeerFRASER, SCOTTUniversity of Miami Law Review
If you would like to make a carbonated mojito, add in some club soda, seltzer, or ginger beer. You can also use sparkling water or tonic as well. What is Coconut Cream? Coconut cream is sweetened and thickened coconut milk. Adding it to the mojito will give it a thick, creamy texture...
Try Seltzer Stouts are used in breading batter for fried foods, because the flavor and carbonation of the stout creates a lighter, tastier batter than just using milk or water. To get a lighter batter, replace stout with a lighter beer for a tempura-like consistency or use seltzer water fo...
Based on studies, whiskey is healthier than beer (or redwine) because it has fewer calories. Although this drink is stronger, it has fewer carbohydrates, less sodium, and almost zero sugar content. Alcoholic beverages such astequila, whiskey, vodka, spiked seltzer, beer, or wine are good to...
Gluten-Free and Comparatively Hydrating:For gluten-sensitive patrons, hard seltzer is a low ABV, easy-to-drink alternative to beer. Additionally, hard seltzer trumps beer as anoutdoor patio diningbeverage option, because it is far more hydrating. ...
While Constellation claims that hard seltzer is contained under the “beer” umbrella, Grupo Modelo argues that the drinks wouldn’t be considered as such by a jury. Manhattan federal Judge Lewis Kaplan stated that Modelo’s argument is stronger, but the exact definition of beer remains unclear....
I came into this one thinking it would be the answer for anyone who wanted a Truly seltzer that woke you up instead of getting you drunk. Had a punchy joke in my head and everything. But the lemon lime is where the brand is at its least seltzer-y. ...
Saison / Farmhouse Ale | 6% ABV: A mix of mature foeder beer and Citra hops. A little bit of biotransformation magic gives this oak aged beer a fantastic juicy orange character!
In a league of its own While many industry researchers used to lump seltzer in with the broader “flavored malt beverage” or beer categories, it’s become increasingly clear that consumers don’t think of it that way.60 percent of U.S. buyersof hard seltzer consider it as its own catego...