The redback spider (Latrodectus hasselti), also known as the Australian black widow, is a species of highlyvenomousspider believed to originate in South Australia or adjacent Western Australian deserts, but now found throughout Australia, Southeast Asia and New Zealand, with colonies elsewhere outside...
Indeed, pholcid spiders do have a short fang structure (called uncate due to its "hooked" shape). ... The legend may result from the fact that the daddy long-legs spiderpreys upon deadly venomous spiders, such as the redback, a member of the black widow genus Latrodectus. Do Daddy Lon...
Pholcid spiders do have short fangs, but no shorter than those of other spiders that have been known to bite humans. The cellar spider's fangs are similar in structure to those of a brown recluse spider, which often bites humans. The show "Mythbusters" tackled the daddy longlegs fangs...