▲跨功能(部门)管理---Cross-functional management为达成QCD 跨越部门之间的管理活动.▲周期时间---Cycle time作业员完成加工一个产品的实际耗费时间(参阅产距时间Takt time).▲交期 Delivery在 QCD 的范畴中, [交期]一词系指交货时间以及数量, 皆要符合顾客的要求.▲不按受, 不制造, 不流出... 造就...
These interactions—described by quantum chromodynamics, or QCD—are so strongly coupled that there’s no clear delineation of what aspects may be more important than others to even allow approximations to be made. “A lot of our pen and paper methods of trying to calculate it don’t work ...
Today’s best empirical understanding of how the universe works comes from two very different pieces: (1) the “standard model of physics” (EWT+QCD), which is a specific model within the large class of models called “quantum field theory” (QFT); and (2) Einstein’s general relativity ...
We checked also that the H (x) scaling version of the ReBB model gives a statistically acceptable description for the 8 TeV data set up to −t = 1.2 GeV2 if we assume that this dataset has also an 4.5% overall normalization error, however, such an overall (type C) normalization ...