According toMerriam-Webster, a sandwich is, “two or more slices of bread or a split roll having a filling in between.” A secondary sandwich definition is, “one slice of bread covered with food.” So, are hot dogs sandwiches? After covering the history, definition, and fun facts about ...
Is a Hot Dog a Sandwich? Seriously?My boss told me that there is a question raging on the Internet,in which people are asked a...Galarneau, Andrew Z
8.Almost everyone agrees on the hot dog basics:a long bread roll with a hot sausage inside it.And that's what has led to a big question---is a hot dog a sandwich,or is it in a special category of its own?"People have really strong opinions on both sides,"says Eric Mittenthal,pr...
Is a hotdog a sandwich?: With Anne Marie, Chris Powney. On this week's show, we dive deep into a plethora of questionable reviews. Debate the age-old question Is a hotdog a sandwitch? and deliver the word of the week.
Some of the great questions in our culture may never be answered to the satisfaction of all. For example: which came first, the chicken or the egg? IsStar Warsbetter thanStar Trek?Is a hot dog a sandwich? Perhaps we should take collective solace in the knowledge that some pressing quest...
Mythical Chefs Josh Scherer and Nicole Enayati discuss, debate, and dissect the web’s most hilariously controversial culinary quandaries. 4.3 共5 分 6 个评分 喜剧 一周一更 喜剧 一周一更 情感与人际关系 一周一更 喜剧 喜剧 一周一更
4.3 (6) 饮食文化 一周一更 最新单集 Mythical Chefs Josh Scherer and Nicole Enayati discuss, debate, and dissect the web’s most hilariously controversial culinary quandaries. 4.3 共5 分 6 个评分 喜剧 一周一更 喜剧 一周一更 哲学 喜剧
First, categories and standards matter. Here, there is clear damage at the conceptual level – a significant blurring of the lines. As has a U.S. Supreme Court Justice has declared,a hot dog is a sandwich(see verdict at 2:37). Conclusively,Miram-Webster defines a sandwichas “two or ...
(1).【答案】 I'd like some sandwiches and hot dogs. 【解析】 句子的意思是,我想来一个三明治和一个热狗,改为复数句后,变为some sandwiches and hot dogs,故答案为I'd like some sandwiches and hot dogs. (2).【答案】 Is salad healthy? 【解析】 句子的意思是,沙拉很健康,改为一般疑问句后为I...