A bad debt personal loan can refer to a number of different things. Most commonly, it refers to an unsecured personal loan that is given to an individual for the purposes of allowing him or her to pay off and essentially consolidate credit card debt. Some for-profit debt consolidation ...
If these aren’t accessible, you may want to consider a personal loan alternative. There are bad credit loans and credit cards that may be easier to qualify for. And while these may not have the best terms, they can bridge gaps in your budget while you work on strengthening your overall...
Find out the definition of a home equity loan, and how taking one out lets you borrow cash against the value of your home at relatively low interest rates.
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A home equity loan is a type of second mortgage that allows you to borrow against your home’s value, using your home as collateral. A home equity line of credit (HELOC) typically allows you to draw against an approved limit and comes with variable interest rates. ...
Debt consolidation is a handy way to move your various debts into one place, and simplify the process to repay them.
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A second mortgage is a home-secured loan taken out while the original, or first, mortgage is still being repaid. Like the first, the second mortgage uses your property as collateral. A home equity loan and a home equity line of credit (HELOC) are two common types of second mortgages. ...
Properly used, debt can be advantageous to individuals and companies alike. Few people could buy a home without a mortgage, and many people couldn't afford a new car without an auto loan. Credit cards can be a great convenience and even a lifesaver in emergency situations. For companies, ac...
A non-conforming mortgage is a home loan that cannot be sold by a bank to Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, usually because it is too large.