A HNC (Higher National Certificate) is a one-year course, equivalent to the first year of university and a level 4 qualification. A HND is a two-year course, equivalent to the first two years of university and a level 5 qualification. You can learn more about the different educations le...
The HNC qualification refers to the Higher National Certificate, a form of higher education certification that is offered in the United Kingdom. An HNC is narrowly focused on a specific field of work. It is similar to the HND, which stands for Higher National Diplomas, another vocational colleg...
Apostgraduate degreetakes place after you've received yourbachelor's degreeand is considered a Level 7 qualification in the UK, Wales and Northern Ireland, and a Level 11 qualification in Scotland. Whilst the type of postgraduate qualification will vary depending on the type of course you choose...
Analyses were adjusted simultaneously for: age, sex, socioeconomic status (Townsend Index categorised as low [quintile 1], moderate [quintiles 2–4], high [quintile 5] deprivation), education (higher [college/university/other professional qualification], vocational [NVQ/HND/HNC], upper secondary ...
Relevant building qualification to HNC/HND level or part professional level (e.g. RICS, ICW, IMBM, CIEH, BIAT) Essential Desirable Application Form Application Form ExperienceExperience in the diagnosis of building faults and disrepair Experience of site supervision of repair and renovation works ...