Telegram’s main feature list may cross over with other apps, but there are many specific differences between it and its competitors. Here is a short list of some of the major features that may push you to switch messaging apps. Secret chats The aforementioned secret chats are where you can...
Creating an account is not required, but recommended, especially if you want to contribute regularly. Weblate also allows you to log-in with major SSO providers like Github, Gitlab, BitBucket, Google, ... Projects using Invidious A list of projects and extensions for or utilizing Invidious can...
What major keywords are we using in our SEO strategy? Begin searching on Reddit for subreddits and threads based on those hobbies, ages, locations and keywords. Also search for your brand name, your competitors’ names and industry topics. You may even find a subreddit dedicated solely to ...
The other major thing you should do is to inline critical CSS. What this does is it takes the part of the CSS needed to load the content users see immediately and then applies it directly into the HTML. When the HTML is downloaded, all the CSS needed to load what users see is already...
Say you want to download and install the latest iOS update. If it's a major update, like iOS 16, you may need a little over 5GB to install the software. If it's a point update, like iOS 16.1, you're looking at around 1GB. And if you don't have enough storage space to update...
For example, when the CableTV team heard about the potential Comcast/Time Warner merger, we knew simply sharing the news would be a waste of time. Every major news outlet would easily drown out our site, and opinion pieces where popping up everywhere. Instead, we crunched some numbers, comp...
HISTORY IT HAS BEEN SAID, IS PHILOSOPHY TEACHING BY EXAMPLE; History is not simply a record of man's accomplishments. Even more, History is the story / record of God's interaction with man. It is indeed His Story ~ CJD
A tool for generative art: Evolution is a creative force that leads to ever new forms and behaviors. 📘 Documentation A documentation for the previous major version, which introduces the reader to the simulator with tutorial-like articles, can be found Please ...
How Reddit crushed the biggest protest in its history But I’m worried the system could change the culture of Reddit. Part of what makes Reddit so useful is that most great posts aren’t made with an expectation of payment, meaning that people share their expertise, a handy tip, or a fu...
How good is it? Here are a couple of Reddit reviews: “The best I have come across. Great free tool.” “It is accurate and SPECIFIC. My top match was particle physicist. Guess what field I’m literally about to start my Ph.D. in….” ...