Fidelity Bonds:Protect your business and your clients from losses caused by fraudulent acts by employees. Examples include ERISA bonds, employee dishonesty bonds, and janitorial bonds. Choose your state below to learn more your bonding requirements. ...
The fidelity bond protects the plan against loss due to acts of fraud or dishonesty on the part of persons required to be bonded. The required amount of bond coverage is the lesser of 10% of plan assets at the beginning of the plan year, or $500,000. How T...
Anyone who handles “funds or other property” of an employee benefit plan (like investments, for example) must be bonded under an ERISA fidelity bond. This bonding protects the plan from losses due to fraud or dishonesty (theft) and other breaches of fiduciary responsibility. ...
Many employers carry insurance to protect themselves against employee theft or dishonesty. Employees who handle money or valuable tools or goods are covered. This insurance is called fidelity bonding. When such commercial insurance is denied because of an individual's background, the employer often ...
Dishonesty A lack of honesty is another sign that a marriage is in trouble. When one partner is dishonest, it can cause abreakdown of trustand make it difficult to move forward in the relationship. Constant fighting Frequent conflicts with your spouse may stem from unmet needs, past issues, ...
That said, it is probably the implied charge of opaqueness, complexity and dishonesty that will cause the most outrage. Yesterday wereported on the anniversary of the True and Fair Campaignwhich wants greater transparency on investment charges. ...
bond. A fidelity bond is an insurance policy that names the plan as the insured party and covers anyone who handles or has the authority to handle plan assets. The fidelity bond protects the plan against loss due to acts of fraud or dishonesty on the part of persons required to be bonded...