Indeed, pholcid spiders do have a short fang structure (called uncate due to its "hooked" shape). ... The legend may result from the fact that the daddy long-legs spiderpreys upon deadly venomous spiders, such as the redback, a member of the black widow genus Latrodectus. Do Daddy Lo...
there are many spiders that don’t create webs. There are only a few families of spider, like thedaddy long legs or the orb weaverthat create the elaborate webs we’ve come to broadly associate spiders with. Many spiders are actually adept...
One way of telling the difference between a harvestman and a spider is by looking closely at the body. The join between a harvestman’s cephalothorax (front section) and abdomen (hind section) is less obvious than that of a spider. Harvestmen are often known as ‘daddy long legs’ due ...
and daddy never keeps and for the peace off and through his envoy and uh you got to bur and-connection and-or delay and-or inverter andandconj anda yili dairy coltd andalusian folk music andaman islands goa m andamento dei mercati andante affectuoso andante cantabile con andante cantabile-...
butitdependsonhowthew butnoonbelievesme butwerenotafraid butyourjoyridejustcam butyourdaddyandiareta buushallplats buwon buxbaum buxiliary device buxton water buxus alkaloids buy a birthday gift buy a housea cargive buy a kitten buy a lot of stuff sh buy a penny bank buy a penthouse in...
A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux
Time for a GREAT MOMENT IN SPIDER KILLING HISTORY Anthony: I have a "workshop" in my back yard where I keep tools, holiday decorations and other assorted crap. It's true existence is based upon Daddy's private time to have a drink and smoke a cigar or little weed. Shit is basically...
IS IT WEIRD TO GO TO A BAR ALONE What are your thoughts on this? If it's a Friday or Saturday night and you're hanging out at a crowded bar by yourself late at night, then yes, personally, that seems super creepy. In the early evening, grabbing a drink after a long day doesn'...
Because you both know, at a moments notice, that sweet falsetto voice will pierce the veil of an early morning “session”, looking for mommy and daddy. So now you’re thinking, “Holy crap! Is this a Lochness Monster sighting? In my bedroom? NO, no… oh my, it’s an actual ...
Back at the airport we waited patiently for Daddy. Yeay Daddy!!! … and then we waited, and waited, annnd waited. There was the recommendation from one little 4yo boy that we just leave Uncle Jeff… but I’m sure he was joking; you never leave a fellow Spider-Man and Toothless (Ho...