Some people who are high agency might be so because they were required at a young age to be the adult they were not. Some people who are high agency might be so because they were taught they had no intrinsic value outside of service to others. Not everyone who is high agency loves be...
Want to thank TFD for its existence? Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visit the webmaster's page for free fun content. Link to this page: <a href="">CCSB</a> Facebook Twitter ...
constitutional concealed carry reciprocity actgun controlconcealed carryAmerica is armed. This country is home to an astonishingly high amount of guns and for years we have been plagued with an exceedingly high violence rate. We hSternberg, Zoe...
When it comes to choosing the best concealed carry holster, the process has never been more difficult. A particular holster may be perfectly made, designed to mold to every curve and crevice of the human body, light as a feather, and breathable as mountain air. The difficulty is, if it d...
In at least ten states, there's a push to let college students carry concealed weapons to combat sexual assault -- but even some victims don't like the idea
This exchange is just, wow. KLOBUCHAR: We need domestic violence check in background check. TRUMP: "I'm all for it." CORNYN (winking): Let's let Steve Scalise speak. SCALISE: What about adding concealed carry reciprocity to the bill? TRUMP: Not in this b
(Taser*) Advanced Training for Bail Agent, Bounty Hunter, Bail Fugitive Recovery Agent and Security Guards • Mobile Bail Education • Florida/Utah Concealed Carry Firearms Permits • 40-Hour BSIS Security Training Academy Contact Us: 916-302-6377 Informational Links: www....
It’s calledtacit knowledge. A hidden treasure that often goes unnoticed, yet its impact can be profound and far-reaching. Tacit knowledge is the wisdom employees gain through personal experiences, insights, and intuition. It resides within your organization, concealed in the minds of your employee...
2021.11.03 • Internet shutdowns, concealed carry licensing, Amazon search results, FOIA reading rooms, and spiders. 2021.10.20 • Judicial financial disclosures, wildlife death and illness reports, a decade of news articles, more parliamentary speech, and Halloween candy. 2021.10.13 • Abortio...
Dear Ms. Manners, My wife and I had some dinner guests over last night and the discussion turned toward the crime in a nearby big city, in particular the flash mobs beating up people.