A carbuncle is a coalescence of multiple furuncles which may lead to multiple points of drainage on the skin surface. There are often constitutional symptoms. Staphylococcus aureus is the organism most often involved.307 Histopathology308 A furuncle consists of a deep dermal abscess centered on a...
nounboil,infection,swelling,blister,ulcer,inflammation,gathering,whitlow,blain,carbuncle,pustule,bubo,furuncle(Pathology),gumboil,parulis(Pathology)In the case of an abscess, seek medical treatment immediately. Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © ...
Furuncles and carbuncles A furuncle, also known as a boil, is a deep, firm, erythematous painful inflammatory nodule, which occurs around hair follicles and gradually enlarges to form a fluctuant abscess. Staph. aureus is the etiological agent (Table 49.7), and increasing numbers of infections...
use is to cure the swelling of the carbuncle, the boil. [usage amount] 3 ~ 5 money; Use the right amount, and mash up the affected area. [attachment] nosebleed, functional uterine bleeding, urine blood: fly, madder, ground elm 3 money, water decoction. ...
carbuncle extension eminence intumescence flange process tumefaction overlap more ❯ Noun ▲ Rumour, gossip, or speculation talk gossip hearsay rumorUS rumourUK speculation whispers allusion innuendo insinuation bunk goss grapevine hint jive scuttlebutt tattle tittle-tattle muckraking nonsense racket repor...
loss;3,suffersfromfurunclecarbuncleeasily,particularly inwinter;4,recurrenturinarytract,biliarytract,lungor otherinfectedwomen;5,thevulvapruritusratherthan trichomonasinfection;6,asensorydisorder,pain,hempetc. peripheralneuritissymptoms;7,earlycataractorvisually impairedpersons;8,intermittentclaudication,lowerlimb ...
scraping the bottom of the pot well to keep it from burning. Add the rendered chicken fat and half of the stick of butter. When it is well blended, add the tomato sauce, and water to just a touch thinner than desired consistency. Bring to a boil. As soon as it boils, turn the hea...
To abridge or shorten abridge edit shorten abbreviate condense precis summariseUK summarizeUS synopsize truncate bowdleriseUK bowdlerizeUS curtail epitomiseUK epitomizeUS expurgate précis pare down abstract digest reduce boil down encapsulate put in a nutshell trim cut down summate contract compress out...
If you have oral inflammation, tongue carbuncle, eczema, gingival bleeding, etc Overnight tea rinse. Sores and bleeding can also be used for bathing. Step 3: the tea polyphenols in the overnight tea have antibacterial anti-inflammatory properties. If the eyes are red, they can be washed ...
15,curechilblain:boildrychiliwater,wash1timesevery morningandevening,andevenwashforseveraldays,namely heal. 16,curechilblain:boildrychiliwater,washeverymorning andevening,andevenwashforseveraldays,namelyheal. 17,curealopecia:redpepperwineaweek,withwinecoated ...