The calla lily, also known as the Zantedeschia or arum lily, is an herbaceous, perennial plant native to South Africa. Due to its large, beautiful bloom, it is a very popular houseplant and is also used in many floral arrangements. It is actually part of theAraceaefamily, and not the...
The bearded iris is a long-living perennial that produces large spring-blooming flowers with petals that hang like a beard. The plant is available in re-blooming varieties with a second bloom time in late summer or early fall. Bearded iris in USDA growing zone 9 should be planted in late ...
A symbol in many cultures for creation and rebirth, the lotus is an aquatic perennial pond plant popular in water gardens. It is not a water lily, as some people think, but one of its common names is Chinese waterlily, and it does share some characteristics with thewater lily. Other com...
They do this to stay ahead of schedule and ensure items are reserved through a pre-order. If you receive flower bulbs, or perennial roots before you are able to plant them in the ground they store easily in dry, cool locations. Just open the box they came in, and make sure the ...