Functional Groups: Functional groups are groups of atoms that confer specific molecular properties to a compound. There are different functional groups such as aryl groups, alcohols, carbonyl groups, and more. Answer and Explanation:1 An aryl group is a benzene ring, a six carbon ring with alter...
Is benzene a functional group? Benzene ring: An aromatic functional group characterized by a ring of six carbon atoms, bonded by alternating single and double bonds. A benzene ring with a single substituent is called a phenyl group (Ph). Is Nitro a functional group? The nitro group is one...
phenol shows the combination of a benzene ring and a hydroxyl group. The benzene ring is a ring structure composed of six carbon atoms, each of which is also connected to a hydrogen atom. Hydroxyl is a functional group consisting of an oxygen atom and a hydrogen atom, which forms a chemic...
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functional groups. Some are, but are not limited to the, following; alcohol, sulfide, benzene ring, ester, ether, and aldehyde. Each of these functional groups has a unique atom configuration and will allow the molecule that it is associated with to react in a unique way in a chemical ...
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6. Chemistry A group of atoms bound in a structure, such as a benzene ring, that is resistant to alteration in chemical reactions. 7. Astronomy a. The central, often brightest part of the head of a comet. b. The solid part of a comet, composed of ice and smaller amounts of dust...
Benzaldehyde is the simplest aromatic aldehyde found in nature, consisting of a single benzene ring bearing an aldehyde group. Phylogenetically, it is one of the most widely distributed volatiles and is likely the most ancient compound given that it is produced not only by over 50% of plant fam...
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