Duolingo English Essay AssistantBy @tempest2023 on 2024-09-23Specializes in scoring and guiding Duolingo English essaysWriting Guidance Scoring Revisions Education English LearningFull Stack Engineer - FBy @BlockLune on 2024-09-23A full stack engineer with code name F.vue pinia element-plus nuxt-...
If you don’t know how long is an essay for your course, you should aim to make it long enough to fully explore and address the topic while being concise and focused. A solid good length for an essay allows you to clearly and effectively communicate your ideas without being too brief or...
world. Most typically, the essay exists as a shorter writing form; essays are rarely the length of a novel. However, several historic examples, such as John Locke’s seminal work “An Essay Concerning Human Understanding” just shows that a well-organized essay can be as long as a novel....
Why is it crucial to choose better word choice for your admission essay? How appropriate word choice can improve the whole essay? Tips on improving word choice for your essay Whenever possible, use the shorter, simpler word. You can use a thesaurus for jogging your memory when you’re tr...
Read the following excerpt and write a comment in essay form in about 350 words.1 The word for ‘biography’ has been universal in all European languages for the last two hundred years.Since it is derived from the Greek root ‘bios’ meaning life,there appears to be some serious error in...
the archipelago is looking for great works of fiction.poetry.and personal essay.Eligibility:One piece per entry.One entry per person for each week (you can submit your writing for each round of competition repeating every week).The writing must be previously unpublished (including...
It is a systematic explanation of Chinese traditional culture by the essayist and scholar. The Travel Guide to the Tang Dynasty is also one of the bestselling books. In an interesting and creative way, it talks about the historical background and social and cultural knowledge more than 1,000...
Food waste is a common problem today. Many people order more food than they can consume and throw away food that is no longer good to eat. Write a 300-word essay discussing the causes and offering the solutions. 我写的:With the rapid development of social economy, people today have genera...
A. Changeable. B. Classic. C. Safe. 19. Which tea bus tour does the speaker like most? A. The Halloween tour. B. The gin afternoon tea tour. C. The Grinchmas tour. 20. How long did the trip last? A. Several years. B. O...
is a very long word 8-( === Changed in white_dune Version 0.18pl2: configure changed to test for signal_handler(int), to increase portability to random UNIX === Changed in white_dune Version 0.18pl3: ported back to SUN Solaris 8 --with-buginlesstif workaround if click to icon...