PDF资料 价格说明 联系我们 品牌 ISSI 封装 BGA84 批号 2112+ 数量 4250 制造商 ISSI 产品种类 动态随机存取存储器 安装风格 SMD/SMT 封装/ 箱体 BGA-84 数据总线宽度 16 bit 组织 32 M x 16 存储容量 512 Mbit 最大时钟频率 400 MHz 访问时间 400 ps 电源电压-最大 1.9 V ...
高亮区别隐藏相同下载对比PDF 牌号信息 Techsil® IS808 物性表 硅橡胶,RTV-1 & 英国Techsil 指导价格:暂无 塑料库存:缺货 Techsil® IS803 物性表 硅橡胶,RTV-1 & 英国Techsil 指导价格:暂无 塑料库存:缺货 牌号简介Techsil® IS808是一种随时可用的粘合剂密封剂膏,在暴露于空气中时可固化为弹性硅酮弹性体...
奥图码IS 803 3D投影机
Optoma IS803
803Kb/19PDigital Ambient Light Sensor and Proximity Sensor with Interrupt Function October 8, 2012 ISL29011 631Kb/15PDigital Ambient Light Sensor and Proximity Sensor with Interrupt Function Intersil Corporation是一家美国半导体公司,专门从事高性能模拟和混合信号综合电路的设计和制造。
(13) (14) (15) (16) 137 29J 123 2IU 523 294 398 155 389 875 698 43Y 2 04 51 J lb1 741 5.lJo 2.05 69 , IhS I20 610 237 101, 23 x I28 6.01 2.38 IO0 246 138 706 235 I42 270 155 690 237 I1 280 156 803 234 I84 302 166 780 231 192 31.1 209 904 Z-50 242 ...
ISL29018IROZ-T7 803Kb / 19P Digital Ambient Light Sensor and Proximity Sensor with Interrupt Function October 8, 2012 ISL29011 631Kb / 15P Digital Ambient Light Sensor and Proximity Sensor with Interrupt Function Renesas Technology Corp ISL29018 1Mb / 19P Digital Ambient Light Sensor and Prox...
磁异常可以用来深入了解地下结构和地壳组成,在大陆地区,磁异常反映地壳岩石圈的地质、构造和地热演化(熊盛青等,2018);在海洋地区,磁异常走向平行于等时线(等年龄线),反映洋壳的时间演化,因此,磁异常被广泛应用于地质科学和资源勘探领域。全球磁EMAG2(global Earth Magnetic Anomaly Grid)是由卫星、船和航空磁测综合编...
Many aspects of plant photoperception are mediated by the phytochrome (Phy) family of bilin-containing photoreceptors that reversibly interconvert between inactive Pr and active Pfr conformers1,2. Despite extensive biochemical studies, full understanding of plant Phy signalling has remained unclear due ...
The ISCOM HT803G-W is a GPON uplink home gateway. It provides four GE interfaces, two FXS voice interfaces, and one USB interface, and supports WLAN. It is applicable to FTTH scenarios, with appearance as below. Elegant appearance, low power consumption, and good heat dissipation Compliant ...